Apprentice Enhancer - Successfully enhance one item to +3.
Skillful Enhancer - Successfully enhance one item to +6. (Getting one item to +6 will earn you the +3 title.)
Enhancement Artist - Successfully enhance one item to +8.
Enhancement God - Successfully enhance one item to +9.
Lucky Enhancer - Successfully enhance 3 items to +3 without closing the enhancement window.
Successful Enhancer- Successfully enhance 6 items to +3 without closing the enhancement window.
Triumphant Enhancer - Successfully enhance 10 items to +3 without closing the enhancement window.
Miraculous Enhancer - Successfully enhance 15 items to +3 without closing the enhancement window.
Unlucky Enhancer - 5 unsuccessful enhancements without logging off. Can be acquired twice.
Failed Enhancer - 20 consecutive failed enhancements or 100 total failed enhancements without logging off. May be acquired twice.
Hopeless Enhancer - 30 consecutive failed enhancements or 300 total failed enhancements without logging off. May be acquired twice.
Cursed Enhancer - 50 consecutive failed enhancements or 500 total failed enhancements without logging off. May be acquired twice.
Rookie Enhancer - 5 successful enhancements without logging off.
Advanced Enhancer - 300 successful enhancements without logging off.
Pro Enhancer - 500 successful enhancements without logging off.
Master Enhancer - 1000 successful enhancements without logging off.
Item Spoiler - Destroy 5 items during enhancing without logging off.
Item Breaker - Destroy 20 items during enhancing without logging off.
Item Destroyer - Destroy 50 items during enhancing without logging off.
Item Bankrupt - Destroy 70 items during enhancing without logging off.
Announcer - Shout 50 times in an hour.
Broadcaster - Shout 500 times in 3 hours.
Talk Show Host - Shout 1000 times in 7 hours.
World DJ - Shout 5000 times. (Takes 7 hours and 5 minutes, with one shout every 5.1 seconds).
Stammerer - Stay silent for 4 consecutive hours.
Quiet- Stay silent for 24 consecutive hours.
Silent - Stay silent for 48 consecutive hours.
Speechless - Stay silent for 76 consecutive hours.
Apprentice Merchant - Sell 500 items to NPC one by one without logging out. (Note: to get the "merchant" titles, you must sell the specified number of items to the same NPC although you may close their barter window.)
Advanced Merchant - Sell 1,000 items to NPC one by one without logging out.
Pro Merchant - Sell 3,000 items to NPC one by one without logging out.
Master Merchant - Sell 5,000 items to NPC one by one without logging out.
Friend Seeker - Have 5 friends on your friends list.
Friendly - Have 10 friends on your friends list.
Popular - Have 30 friends on your friends list.
Celebrity - Have 50 friends on your friends list.
Apprentice Fighter - Attain level 10 with a fighter.
CleverFighter - Attain level 20 with a fighter.
Tanker Warrior - Attain level 60 with a fighter.
Battle Warrior - Attain level 80 with a fighter.
Supreme Fighter - Attain level 100 with a fighter and complete superior quest. Prestige class Gladiator / Knight
Apprentice Cleric - Attain level 10 with a cleric.
High Cleric - Attain level 20 with a cleric.
Supportive Paladin - Attain level 60 with a cleric.
Divine Paladin - Attain level 80 with a cleric.
Supreme Cleric - Attain level 100 with a cleric and complete class quest. Prestige class HolyKnight / Guardian
Apprentice Archer - Attain level 10 with an archer.
HawkArcher - Attain level 20 with an archer.
Rapid Scout - Attain level 60 with an archer.
Supersonic Scout - Attain level 80 with an archer.
Supreme Archer - Attain level 100 with an archer and complete job change quest. Prestige class SharpShooter / Ranger
Apprentice Mage - Attain level 10 with a mage.
WizMage - Attain level 20 with a mage.
Powerful Enchanter - Attain level 60 with a mage.
Diabolic Enchanter - Attain level 80 with a mage.
Supreme Mage - Attain level 100 with a mage and complete job change quest. Prestige class Warlock / Wizard
Quest Beginner - Submit 11 quests without leaving the map. (All rewarding NPC must be on the same map.) Quests may be repeatable.
Quest Expert - Submit 50 quests within ?? hours without logging off
Quest Pro - Submit 200 quests within ?? hours without logging off
Quest Master - Submit 500 quests within ?? hours without logging off
Kingdom Quest Rookie - Participate in 5 KQs in one login session
Kingdom Quest Unlucky - Fail 5 consecutive KQs without logging off
Kingdom Quest Quitter - Fail 15 consecutive KQs without logging off
Kingdom Quest Failure - Fail 40 consecutive KQs without logging off
Kingdom Quest Victim - Fail 100 consecutive KQs without logging off
KQ Bronze Medalist - Complete 6 KQs in one login session (with finishing and receiving the Success chest and experience)- (you can do it also at lv60 jobchange quest in the 1st zombie part)
KQ Silver Medalist - Complete 30 KQs in one login session (with finishing and receiving the Success chest and experience)
KQ Gold Medalist - Complete 80 KQs in one login session (with finishing and receiving the Success chest and experience)
KQ Medal Collector - Complete 140 or 150 KQs in one login session (with finishing and receiving the Success chest and experience)
Note that the KQ Unlucky -Quitter-Failure and Victim titles are more likely to be obtained trough the lvl 60 class upgrade parts 2 & 3.
Partygoer - Join 10 parties in around 1 hour without logging off. You must remain in the party for at least 3 minutes before joining the next. You must be the last to be invited to a full party of five.
Kyota Rookie - Stay logged in 5 consecutive hours.
Kyota Defender - Stay logged in for 24 consecutive hours (1 day).
Kyota Guardian - Stay logged in for 48 consecutive hours (2 days).
Kyota Guard Captain - Stay logged in for 96 consecutive hours (4 days).
Kyota Fan - Stay logged in for 120 consecutive hours (5 days).
Kyota Lover - Stay logged in for 720 consecutive hours (30 days).
Kyotaholic - Stay logged in for 4320 consecutive hours (180 days).
Title Rookie - Obtain 8 titles (Excluding Weapon Titles and possibly duplicate titles.).
Title Maker - Obtain 30 titles. (Excluding Title Rookie, Weapon Titles and possibly duplicate titles.).
Title Collector – Obtain 50 titles (Excluding Title Rookie, Title Maker, Weapon Titles and possibly duplicate titles.)
Title Master - Obtain all titles in Game.
-All credit goes to the FiestaWiki, and yours truly for editing a thing here and there